Friday 2 October 2020

Life Update


Hey everyone, its been a while since I have done a little update chit chat. Lets start one ...

So yet again I have let my poor blog neglected, as usual! I must admit the main reason is because I have been using other social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter to broaden an blogging type of influence. I have been finding it so much easier to use Instagram as I am able to upload more on a daily basis and show what I have been doing, what I like and basically blog!

So we all know why the world is rather shook up at the moment but im not going to go into it as we all know why and what it is - Covid Pandemic. I must admit it definitely has changed everything. I am now currently working from home full time, I barely go into town or coffee shops, bars and supermarkets as I don't want to be in a too crowded place where it could be possible to pick up the virus. I even don't really meet anyone too unless its family or one friend at a time. It was weird to start with but its been over seven months now and its basically become the new norm. 

The only time I am in an area where their is a reasonable certain amount of people is when I go to the gym. I was gutted when gyms closed for five or six months as my motivation for exercise went out of the window and fast. I did try and go out for walks on weekends or do the odd HIIT session at home but it did not last, which is no suprise! Now that gym have been reopened I am making up for lost time. I try to go to the gym at least two or three times a week and I always maintain social distance and clean as I go. 

As you can see in the pic I did join the whole lockdown trim and shaved my head which I surprisingly love. Its been about four or five weeks now since I first did it so it has grown out quite a bit and I intend to leave it to grow and its good to see myself with my own natural hair colour, which is now like a dark brown, I am in no rush to go to a hairdressers to keep the up keep as theirs no reason to currently, im at home most days and I can do what needs to be done within reason myself. 

Now that its just turned October its weird to think that in less than three months it will be a 2021, like where has the year gone? Its strange that time is so much weirder when your older, days and weeks go by and just blend into one another but when your a kid all you want is for time to go fast. 

Anways not much of a big update from me as nothing really new is happening. I do hope everyone is staying safe and will continue to stay safe. 


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