Tuesday 18 September 2018

Shadowhunters - The Mortal Instruments - Current reading material.

If I may not have mentioned before, I am a big fan of reading books. I can't help walking into a local bookstore or even having a gander online at all types of reading material. I range between autobiographies, dark fantasy, fiction, non fiction etc, the list is endless.

But my most current book obsession has to be The mortal instrument series written by Cassandra Clare. I am aware that these books have been around for awhile but I never gave them a thought until I watched the shadowhunters series on Netflix. I was hooked from the get go. I love the characters, stories, actors and even the locations. Its a three series show but is currently on a break right now until more of the series is shown next year. So since I was so into the series I thought id give the books a try and see how accurate and close they are compared to the series. To my amazement it is pretty much the same. As you can see by the picture above I have bought all the books in the series to keep me going until the show return next year. I am currently on book 3 and its only taken me just about a month.

I read whenever I get chance, either at home, at work or I have fantasised about being one of those people that just go to a coffee shop and drink endless mugs of tea or coffee whilst chilling out in the corner all snuggled up with a book. Im not sure I have the confidence to be like that but who knows, maybe one day I'll get into it.

Its a fantasy based story, involving all sorts of supernatural mythical beings including angels, vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, warlocks and much more.

I would definitely give these books a go if your into the dark fantasy world, or at least give the show on Netflix a watch. Their was a filmed that was made too but its not a patch on the series. When first watching the show and then reading the books, I could see clearly the characters, so the cast that are on the show are perfect for the roles.

Well I hope I've not prattled on too much. I will be posting more about book materials I'm reading and giving my opinion and recommendations.

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