Wednesday 17 July 2019

Current Favourite Comic Book Character - Captain Marvel

Who doesn't love a kick-ass heroine these days.

Ever since seeing Captain Marvel she has definitely become a favourite of mine, I mean look at this girl and check out the suit, red, blue and gold are such a good combo.

Captain Marvels story is set before the whole Avengers and Iron man timeline. The film is set in the 90's which is pretty cool as I was a 90's baby I don't really have much memories of what the time was like and what was retro and happening in that decade.

Before seeing the film I did see some negative reviews which normally wouldn't both me as I don't let other people views affect my own personally, we all like and dislike things, we're not all the same.
A lot of the reviews I did see were about the characters development, how it was all about a female lead and about the actress herself. All I have to say is that I thoroughly enjoyed the film. I think the way the ddid her background story and explain how yes her character was in the 90's and she's not appeared in the other Marvel arc films but if you sit and watch it does explain why she's not been around to save the day etc etc. And I found the actress Brie Larson very fitting for the role, it was definitely made for her.

Lets talk about her powers, I mean she can fly, she shoots fireball / energy blasts from her hands and she glows so much it puts Dragonball Z super sayains to shame. I would want all her powers thats for sure.

Plus I think its really good to have more strong female leads these days especially in the film industry. I feel like now its not just a mans world and that women can be on the same par as men and even better, this film definitely proved that.


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