Sunday 10 March 2019

Sunday's Down Time

Anyone else get those Sunday vibes where you just want be hold up in your bedroom, tucked up in bed, drinking endless cups of coffee whilst binging on anything and everything to watch on Netflix? Well thats certainly been me this weekend.

So since the start of this year I've been trying to plan something out for myself on weekends. Whether it be going to the gym, meeting with friends, seeing more of my baby nephew etc etc. But majority of the time I just want to stay at home, raid the cupboards for food and coffee and just Catch-up on my shows on Netflix or normal day-time tv before starting the working week all over again.

Saying I'm a coffee lover is definitely an understatement. I could drink it all day everyday. Between Monday to Friday I try to limit it to 2-3 cups a day. But on a weekend is could easily lead to 5 cups or more. I don't know what it is but when it comes to the weekend all I live off is coffee, which is bad I know. Most of the time I do it without realising or just wanting to kill time by going into the kitchen and sticking the coffee on. 
Its weird but I never used to be a coffee lover. I used to hate the taste and smell of it. So before my addiction with coffee, it used to be the same with cups of tea. I only ever got into coffee because of my best friend, whenever we met up for a chat in town or if I ever popped over to her house, it used to be me with the tea and her with the bug cup of black coffee. And also because I watch a lot of American shows, whenever a character had a drink or so, it was laws coffee. I hear that coffee is like 
the drink to have in America. I think its just us brits who are the tea lovers.

je hoort tegenwoordig dat er zoveel mensen zijn die in hun vrije tijd netflix kijken

Now, lets talk Netflix. Netflix is like the place to watch so much, I can literally consume your whole day. Ive only been in the Netflix watching world for about just over two years. I legit can't believe I went so long without it being in my life. I used to just watch things on tv or just buy dvds and boxsets which used to cost me a fortune. I never realised I could watch the exact same stuff, I was spending all money on. I can't event mention what ive watched since having Netflix. I only pushed myself into getting it because I kept hearing about the Netflix show "Stranger Things".

The majority of shows I have watched on Netflix are:

  • Riverdale
  • Stranger Things
  • The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina
  • Shadowhunters
  • 13 Reasons Why
  • Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and The Punisher
  • The Umbrella Academy 
  • Altered Carbon
  • American Horror Story: Murder House, Asylum, Coven, Freakshow, Hotel, Roanoke and Cult
And much more, but i can definitely recommend all of the above shows

Stranger Things (Netflix) | Wow. Oh wow! Only one season in but, this show has already rocked my world! A fantastic cast of talented kids and an even more fantastic story. I love, love, love how they've based it in the 80s. It brings an amazing old school feel to it.Riverdale - Poster zur Serie mit viel Sogkraft. - #Mit #poster #Riverdale #Serie #Sogkraft #viel #zurUmbrella Academy logo by foucake13 on DeviantArt

Ok folks thats all for todays post. See you on the next one.


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